Payroll provider Norway

Payroll Outsourcing Norway

Hand over payroll processes to a payroll provider you kan trust. We carry out all tasks in the field of payroll administration in compliance with Norwegian legislations. We can also undertake the tasks at your address if you prefer.

Get your payroll done

Payroll outsourcing - services and assistance designed to fit your every need

Our experienced consultants have broad experience from companies of all branches and sizes. We offer both complex and straight forward calculations of payroll, tax deductions and variable hours and pay dates.

It is mandatory for all employers to report employment, payments, remunerations, employer's national insurance contributions and advance tax deductions to the authorities. Depending on various tax treaties, income is often liable for Norwegian income taxation and Norwegian National Insurance. It is easy to get lost in the complex regulations for employment and payroll in Norway. The fact that the area is strictly regulated by legislation makes it even more difficult to maneuver in.

Payroll consultant in Norway

Azets payroll services:

  • Payroll calculation
  • Travel and expense reports
  • Absence and overtime handling
  • Sick leave refund/reimbursements
  • Reporting
  • Year-end procedures 
  • Benefits administration
  • Pension administration
  • Expatriate and inpatriate processing

Wide range of HR-services 

Our HR experts provide a wide range of services to our customers. Whether you need assistance related to working contracts, job interviews, statutory follow-up of sick leaves or pension schemes: We’ve got you covered.  

Calculating and reporting to the Norwegian authorities

Make sure all reporting to the authorities and payments are carried out throughout the year – including annual statements.

Reports through the scheme "A-meldingen" include:

  • monthly reporting on pay and tax deducted
  • annual reporting of basis for employer’s social security contributions
  • other mandatory reporting to the Norwegian authorities.

Employees in more than one Nordic country

Hard to keep track of all payroll matters in more than one country? Azets is offering a fully managed payroll service in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland - the entire Nordic market, through one point of contact. As the leading payroll provider in the Nordics, we can ensure seamless and efficient payroll expertise across the border lines. We provide more than 600 international companies with local payroll knowledge from A-Z. And the best of all, we operate with one IT platform for all countries.

One point og contact number one

Payroll assistance in the Nordics

One interface, one login - all in one place 

  • One Nordic single point of contact
  • One Nordic Agreement
  • One Nordic Price model
  • One Nordic Governance Model
  • One Nordic Customer portal - Azets Cozone
  • One Nordic Time and Attendance system
  • One Nordic Travel and Expenses system

Read more about Nordic payroll

Get assistant with your business in Norway and internationally:

Telephone:  +47 40 10 40 18 

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